• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 09 February, 2024

Value Education is an integral part of the curriculum in Carmel Convent and to celebrate the yearlong classroom learning and discussions, February 9, 2024, was celebrated as Value Education Day.

The senior school celebrations took place in the auditorium, where the students began the day’s proceedings with prayers. This was followed by a play by the students of class VI, highlighting the importance of sharing and compassion. The class VII students recited self-composed poems based on values such as Love, Honesty, Compassion, Generosity etc.

Class VIII sang the famous song “Heal the World” as they prayed for peace in the world. They also enacted a short skit about bullying and its effects. The students of class IX presented a play about values such as tolerance, equality and patriotism. The play was interspersed with some very motivating dances.  Later the students spent the special hour long break together and shared their tiffin.