• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 01 July, 2024

On July 1, 2024, the students of Carmel Convent returned rejuvenated after a long summer break. After answering the unit test, the students gathered in the school auditorium for a general assembly which began with prayers and a hymn. The cabinet then welcomed the new principal Sister Sefali, vice principal Sister Premalini, school Manager Sister Isabella, primary school in charge Sister Satya and a special guest Sister Tina Maria. The teachers welcomed the newly appointed office bearers with handmade cards and plants. This was followed by a short presentation about the importance of teamwork. Speaking on this occasion, the new principal Sister Sefali emphasized the need for cooperation and connection. She asked the students to be true to self in all their endeavors.

Later in the day the staff attended a session “Shiksha: Redefining our own Pathway to Classroom Excellence” by renowned motivational speaker Mr. Amit Pandey.