• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 26 August, 2023

A fundraiser for the NGO Peeduspeople was organised by students on the day of the PTM, i.e. 26th August 2023. The fundraiser was inaugurated by the school Principal Sister Shanta and the school Manager Sister Sumita. Sister Sefali, the Vice Principal, also graced the occasion.
Students, sold pre-loved books, baked goodies, ice pops, mojitos, lemonade, self-made art items and jewellery pieces to raise funds for first-aid kits for horses in the tricity.

The parents, students and teachers gave their wholehearted support to the worthy cause and lauded the efforts of students. Peedu’s people had also set up an adoption booth to spread awareness about the plight of indie dogs and their adoption in the school campus. The puppies in their booth received much love and adoration from everyone alike.