• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 10 October, 2023

The students of class 1 along with the students of class 6 presented a spectacular show to celebrate the festival of lights “Diwali” on 10th October 2023, in the School Auditorium.  In accordance with the Carmel tradition, the assembly began with a soulful prayer followed by a devotional song that was sung by the students of class 1, which indeed touched the deepest chord of the hearts of one and all present.  A beautiful Diwali dance was also presented by the students of class 1, followed by a skit by the students of class 6, highlighting the importance of celebrating “Green Diwali”.

Later, on the occasion of the Children’s Day Celebration, a beautiful programme was put up by all the teachers of the Primary Wing.  A prayer service with some sincere intentions was done by teachers to seek the blessings of Almighty upon the students.  This was followed by a motivational speech and a Hindi poem to express the unconditional love and blessings for our students.  Towards the end teachers collectively sang a melodious medley of songs, to show their love for their students.  The programme ended with an inspiring speech by the Principal, Sr Shanta appreciating the dedicated efforts of students and teachers in putting up an exceptionally wonderful programme.