• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 01 October, 2023

October 1, 2023 was a special day at Carmel, it marked the completion of the Bicentennial Celebrations of our Foundress Mother Veronica. On October 3, 2023, a special program was organised to celebrate this momentous occasion. The auditorium stage was beautifully decorated to honour Mother Veronica. The program started with the School Manager, Sr. Sumita, Vice Principal Sr. Sefali, Sr. Satya, the Guest of Honor, Father Paul, Ma’am Clara and the student representative SPL Sharanya Jain lighting the divine lamp. This was followed with a reading from the Bible and a prayer, seeking the blessings of the Almighty, followed by a mesmerizing, classical prayer dance by the tiny tots of the Pre-Primary wing. The Carmel Blossoms conducted a prayer service with four prominent intentions for our Congregation, its leaders and their teams, the Sisters, the alumni, the Carmel students and parents. A presentation gave a glimpse into her remarkable life. The young students of the Pre-primary narrated anecdotes of the life of Mother Veronica and then the students of the Primary wing spoke about the virtues of Mother Veronica presenting short enactments to highlight their understanding of the values learnt from her life. This was followed by a short mime that depicted some key moments of Mother Veronica’s life very creatively. A medley of songs by Carmel Blossoms dedicated to her was next. In the end Sister Sumita, the School Manager spoke about the relevance and importance of the values imparted by Mother Veronica and urged each class to pick and adopt a value. Emphasizing the importance of practicing these values every day. For a detailed report click here:
