• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 16 July, 2024

All that is beautiful and to be cherished in Apostolic Carmel is summed up in Mary, Queen of Carmel and every year on July 16, we celebrate her feast day as she is the patroness of our school. 

This year the students of class III and class VII came together to make the day memorable. The Sisters were presented with saplings, cards and a gift by the school staff on this special day.

The programme started with prayers and intentions for the entire Carmel community by the little ones of class III. This was followed by a prayer dance by class III, after which the primary school choir and Carmel blossoms sang some soulful hymns. Next was a play about the history of Mt. Carmel, enacted by the students of class VII. The play depicted the historic tale of King Ahab and Prophet Elijah and showcased the power of faith and humility. 

The principal Sister Sefali addressed the students and asked them questions about the play, to which the students responded enthusiastically and won chocolates for their efforts. The students of class VII then performed a vibrant dance on popular English, Hindi and Punjabi songs, energizing the audience.

The students then went back to their classes where they were all given chocolates to mark this special day before they headed home.

Later the sister, the staff and the support staff, along with ex teachers and the benefactors of the school gathered in the school auditorium for a Eucharist mass conducted by Bishop Ignatius Loyola Mascarenhas of Simla -Chandigarh diocese. The school choir and Carmel Blossoms along with Sir W. Chawang sang the hymns. The was followed by a lunch hosted in the foyer by the school management.