• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 02 April, 2024

Clara Ma’am has been an integral part of Carmel Staff for more than 25 years and her dedicated contribution towards the official work in the school administration was invaluable. She kept the school records up to date and made sure every issue was addressed properly and immediately. The school staff relied on her for all the official work, and she always reached out in times of personal problems. Her reassuring presence will be sorely missed as the management and staff bid her adieu. Speaking on this occasion the principal Sister Shanta remembered and appreciated the hard work and dedication shown by Clara Ma’am throughout her tenure. A bouquet of flowers and a card along with a token of love were given by the staff. A plaque was made especially for her, and each member of the school community missed her vibrant presence.