• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 04 October, 2023

A week-long tribute was dedicated to our Foundress Venerable Mother Veronica prior to the closing of the Bicentennial Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Our Foundress. Assembly for the entire week was dedicated towards commemorating the values and invaluable teachings of Mother Veronica and remembering her exemplary life. Class 1 Students along with members of Peace and kindness club and Mother Veronica Committee conducted the assembly highlighting the significance of the values, gems of Mother Veronica in our lives. Short poems, impactful articles, thoughts, gems and experiences from Mother Veronica's life were highlighted in the assemblies. Soulful hymns in praise of Mother Veronica were sung on the intercom assembly every day of the week and sincere prayers with intensions for seeking the blessings of our Foundress were presented by the students. Various competitions were conducted for students of class 1 – 5 of the primary wing to celebrate the completion of the Bicentennial Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Our Foundress, Venerable Mother Veronica. The competitions are as follows.

Class 1 & 2 – Bouquet of values

Students of class 1& 2 made beautiful and colourful bouquet of values using origami sheets and other craft material. They wrote the values on the flowers that our founders Mother Veronica stands for. It was an innovative way to reinforce and learn the values that Mother Veronica preached in her journey of life.

Class 3 – Badges on Mother Veronica

Students of class 3 made attractive badges which were adorned in a very artistic manner with the pictures of Mother Veronica. Students also wrote the values and teachings learnt from Mother Veronica 's life. This activity gave vent to the creative expression of the students..

Class 4 & 5 – Slogans / Gems of Mother Veronica

Students of class 4 & 5 wrote the gems of Mother Veronica in beautiful, calligraphic writing on A3 size sheets. The posters were decorated artistically by the students. The Gems of Mother Veronica were highlighted in a very innovative manner by all the students. It was a step further to understand the life of our revered foundress Mother Veronica.

The Closing of the Bicentennial Birth Anniversary of Venerable Mother Veronica was celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm by all the Carmelites of Carmel Convent School in the school auditorium on 3rd October, 2023. The programme began with an introduction of the momentous day and a welcome address by the students. It was followed by the readings from the Holy scripture – 'The Bible'. The School manager, Sr Sumita, Vice Principal Sr Sefali, Sr Satya, the guest of honour, Father Paul, Ma'am Clara and student representative SPL Sharanya Jain lighted the divine lamp to invoke blessings from Mother Veronica upon the entire Carmel fraternity. A general prayer was done to seek the blessings of the Almighty. This was followed by a mesmerizing, classical prayer dance by the tiny tots of the Pre- Primary wing. A video on the life of Venerable Mother Veronica was showcased to highlight her exemplary life. Late, Carmel Blossoms presented a soulful prayer service with four prominent intensions for our Congregation, Our leaders and their teams, respected Sisters, ex Carmelites, and the entire Carmel family. Carmel Blossoms enthralled the audience with their melodious singing with the Mother Veronica song. The young students of the Pre-primary came up on stage and spoke lines on Mother Veronica with confidence and zeal.

Students of the Primary wing spoke about the gems of Mother Veronica and presented short enactments to highlight their learnings and understanding of the values learnt from Mother Veronica's life. Students of the high school showcased a very impressive mime enactment covering the entire life journey of Mother Veronica. It presented all the phases of her dedicated and committed life journey. Towards the end, the school choir presented a mesmerizing medley of songs as a tribute to the Foundress, Venerable Mother Veronica. The programme ended with an enlightening message by the School Manager, Sr Sumita, emphasizing the importance of practicing these values in our daily lives. Students were asked to adopt certain values and practice them on everyday basis, which would make a difference and leave a meaningful impact in their lives.


Bicentennial Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Our Foundress Mother Veronica