• Affiliation No : 2630023
  • School Code : 23005

Date: 06 March, 2024

A visual art workshop on Mosaic Art titled, “Beauty in Brokenness” was conducted by Ma’am Rajbala (Art Department) Carmel Convent School for all the Primary teachers of the school on March 6, 2024 in the Primary Block. ‘Mosaic’ is an art form of decorating a surface made by setting small pieces of glass, tile or stones of different colours to create intricate patterns or pictures.  In this workshop, teachers were first taught to create interesting patterns using different coloured sketch pens on sheets that enabled them to understand the nuances of creating elaborate designs on a plane surface.  This would eventually transcend into creating patterns using stones, glass pieces etc.  All the teachers enjoyed learning this unique art form and worked together in a creative and engaging manner.  Beautiful, colourful art pieces were made by all. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.